Board Member

Rachel Washburn


From Eagles Cheerleader to Army Special Operator


Joined the Army

After her commissioning as a second lieutenant, Washburn received paratrooper and intelligence training, and would be primarily tasked with the latter.



Second Deployment

Finished her second deployment, and received a Bronze Star Medal, an Army Commendation Medal, a Combat Action Badge, and an Air Assault Badge.



Joins Academy Securities

Helped develop Academy Securities advisory and strategic insights group – providing assessments from Generals and Admirals to large companies.



Special Operations Fund

Joins the board of the Special Operations Fund, providing oversight, advisory and strategic guidance to the non-profit


Rachel Washburn

Ms. Washburn most recently served as an Associate of Geopolitical Strategy at Academy Securities. Ms. Washburn served six years in the U.S. Army as an Intelligence Officer. While serving, Ms. Washburn deployed twice to Afghanistan; first as a member of the pioneer Cultural Support Team attached to Special Forces and second as an intelligence Platoon Leader. Since leaving the Army in 2016, Ms. Washburn continued to pursue a career addressing global security and instability, most recently acting as a regional director with a nonprofit focused on bringing relief in the wake of disasters and armed conflicts. Ms. Washburn is a graduate of Drexel University.

words to live by

What doesn't kill you, makes you stonger."